Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blocking, teching, and talking.

Hey gang! Bobby here.

Thanks for the comments on the last Boblog. I will strive to disappoint you grammatically just as I have disappointed so many women sexually.

Brave New Closing

We are closing the holiday show at BNW this weekend. Holiday show, you ask? First off, I don't appreciate your tone. Second, the show has been selling surprisingly well in the month of January, so back off. Wait...can we be friends again? I'm sorry I lost my temper bloguals. Let's never fight again. What was I saying? Oh yeah, the holiday show is closing this weekend, so this is your last chance to see me in a diaper.(Spoiler alert!)

How awesome are peanut M&M's?
Answer, so awesome!

Just because Kevin McHale is turning out to be a decent coach does by no means make him a good GM.
Closed Circuit to Glen Taylor: Kevin McHale is not the answer anymore! Just because he looks like Frankenstein's monster does not mean you have to be afraid of firing him as GM. But it's possible he's afraid of fire, so try lighting a match when you break the bad news.

Gotta go! I'm off to work on a song about an ugly baby.(Spoiler alert!)

Tune in for the next installment. Same Bob-time, same Bob-channel!

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