Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spring Lions.

Hey gang! How was your weekend? Mine was...good...I guess...good...yeah okay.

We are waiting for you! Hurry the fuck up! I'm tired of jackets, snow, snot, and the indoors.

Book Corner
I've decided to have a little book club banter. So, if you are currently reading anything you recommend to me or the loyal Boblog fans, please post a comment.

I am currently reading American Lion by Jon Meachham. It is an interesting biography of President Andrew Jackson. I'll keep you posted.

New Poll
Check it out!

Funny Shit
This video is hilarious. This little girl is batty!


This one is adorable and a little unnerving. Say hello to Bizkit!


*Thank you to BT for bringing these to my attention.

Tune in for the next installment! Same Bob-time, same Bob-channel!


  1. Do you need a tattoo of a lion on your chest to really enjoy that book?

  2. Hey Bobby -

    "Tweak" by Nic Sheff is a great book, I just finished it... little hard to read, but I am sure a lot of people can relate to it.

    Since you're on the topic of funny shit.... check this one out!



  3. Bobby, did you watch the Bizkit one where he runs into a wall? It's super sad.

  4. How can kickball not be on the Favorite Spring Activity list? I had to pick "softball" because my real love was missing.

  5. “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” is fantastic. One of the better books I’ve read lately… “Choke”, “Invisible Monsters”, or
    “Haunted” by Chuck Palahniuk are GREAT. Uhm… I’m a book nerd. So I could make pages of suggestions, but I won’t. You see, I have work to do!

  6. I second "Extremely Loud" and would like to add that I just started "The Hour I First Believed" by Wally Lamb last night and I pretty much read for three straight hours. Thanks, neck pillow!
